METFER / Documents

Waste classification

Legislative Decree no. 116/2020 (the “Circular Economy” decree) introduced several amendments to Part 4 of Legislative Decree no. 152/06 (framework legislation for waste management in Italy), including the new version of art. 184(5), which states the following:

“The proper assignment of waste codes and hazard characteristics for waste is carried out by the producer based on the Guidelines drawn up by the National System for Environmental Protection and Research, by 31 December 2020, and approved by decree of the Ministry for the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, after consulting with the Permanent Conference for Relations between the State, the Regions, and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano”.

Departmental Decree no. 47 of 9 August 2021 approved the Guidelines on the classification of waste, as referred to in resolution no. 105 of the Council of the National System for the Protection of the Environment (SNPA) of 18 May 2021, as a binding tool for waste classification.

In order to comply with the proper waste classification obligations pursuant to art. 184(5) of Legislative Decree no. 152/06, as amended, in accordance with the aforementioned SNPA guidelines (Resolution no. 105 of 18/05/2021), all producers/custodians are required to provide the necessary waste classification information by completing specific type approval forms, as follows:

  • Annex 1A Master Data Sheet: to be completed on a one-time-only basis, or in the event of any changes to their company data, in order to ensure the registration and updating of their master data within our systems.
  • Annex 1B Waste Classification Report: one copy to be completed for each type of waste material/EWC code intended to be delivered to Metfer S.r.l.’s facilities. This form MUST be completed BEFORE the first delivery of the waste material, and must be submitted to our offices, signed in all of it parts, so that we can verify the information provided. We will get back to you in order to notify you that you have been authorised to deliver the material to our facilities, or else to request further amendments or additions.
  • Annex 1C Basic characterisation sheet: to be completed and signed in full in the following cases:
    • The waste code is a mirror entry, or the material might contain hazardous elements and you do NOT have documentation certifying that the waste is NOT hazardous.
    • The Waste code is Absolutely Hazardous, and CANNOT be delivered to Metfer S.r.l.’s plants. In this case it is necessary to assign the HP hazard classes in order to have it sent to other authorised plants (Metfer S.r.l. may broker the waste, organising all the necessary management phases, from transport to disposal).

Waste classification approval form

The forms to be filled in in editable PDF format are published below.

Any variation of the Company data and of the waste production cycle entails the obligation to renew the homologation. The transmission can take place via email to the address indicated in the documents.

Information documentation:

The SNPA Guidelines (Resolution 105/2021) and a summary of the correct waste classification procedure are published below.

MENU Documents